Wound Gard filter cartridges provide good dirtholding capacity and diverse range of removal ratings thereby graded pore structure. Honeycomb shaped voids, typically of conventional wound string filters are avoided, and there are no short fibers that can break away as loose bits. Dirt holding capacity and filter life is said to be about double that of conventional wound filters and pressure drop is halved.
Download BrochureFeatures
- Optional core covers available to assure fiber
migration - Various cartridge sealing options
- Graded pore structure for efficient removal of wide range of particel sizes
- Board chemical compatibility for variety of
applications - Cartridges fit all standard housings
Operating Conditions
Maximum operating temperature:
- Polypropylene with stainless steel cores :93°C(200°F)
- Polypropylene with polypropylene cores :49°C(120°F)
- Cottonwith stainless steel cores: 121°C(250°F)
- Cottonwith stainless steel cores: 49°C (120°F)
- Recommended replaceable pressure drop:
2.5kg/cm2(30psi) - Maximum operating forward pressure drop:
Applications of Product
- Animal & Vegetables Oils
- Concentrated Alkalies
- Dilute Acids & Alkalies
- Organic Acids & solvents
- Petrolium Oils
- Potable Liquids
- Oxidizing Agents
Micron Rating:
1,3,5,10,30,40,50,75,100 um
Materials of Construction:
- Filter Medium: polypropylene, cotton and glassfiber
- Center Core: polypropylene, 304 stainless steel
and 316 stainless steel - Outer Diameter: 63mm(2.5”),110mm(4.5”)
- Inner Diameter: 28mm(1.1”),30mm(1.2”)
Flow Rate VS Pressure Drop