Genesol 711


Genesol 711 has been developed as an inorganic scale cleaner and iron solvent for Reverse Osmosis and Nano-filtration membrane systems.

Genesol 711 is highly effective at removing inorganic foulants, such as iron and calcium carbonate and also has proven efficacy against removing membrane biofilms.

Health and Safety

Genesol 711 is a mixed blend of acid chelants and is classified as non-toxic.

Low pH solutions are corrosive to carbon steel and concrete so all chemical tanks, pumps and pipe-work should be made from acidresistant materials.

Observe all safety precautions shown in the material safety data sheet, available on request.

When using chemicals, comply with regulations on chemical safety and labor protection.

Typical properties
  • Appearance: white powder
  • pH of a 1% solution: ~2.5
  • Bulk density: 1.04g/cm2
  • Freezing point: not applicable
  • Available in 25 kg kegs.
  • Shelf life of Genesol 711 is 1 year under normal storage conditions.
  • Ensure the packaging remains sealed and the Genesol 711 remains dry